In a film set in a small Kansas town during Labor Day, Hal Carter, a lazy drifter, comes to town to see an old acquaintance, Alan Benson, on the morning of the holiday. Alan is the son of the town’s richest man and is dating Madge Owens, the town’s most beautiful girl. Hal, who is actually a loser, is so selfish and carefree that he would do anything to be with Madge as soon as he lays eyes on her, leaving behind shattered family relationships and broken lives.
Piknik İndir. (1955) Picnic Filmi Imdb (tt0048491) kullanıcıları tarafından toplamda 10,116 kişi tarafından oylandı ve 7.0 puan aldı. Bu film için editör puanı 70 olarak belirlendi. İyi Seyirler!