The ongoing escapades of the barbers at Calvin’s Barbershop continue. Gina, a stylist from the neighboring beauty salon, is attempting to encroach on his clientele. Calvin is once more facing challenges in preserving his father’s shop and its customs, this time in the face of urban developers seeking to replace local businesses with corporate chains. While the world evolves, certain things remain timeless–whether discussing contemporary issues, politics, relationships, or love, the barbershop remains a place where you can freely express yourself.
Barbershop 2: Back in Business İndir. (2004) Filmi Imdb (tt0337579) kullanıcıları tarafından toplamda 16,179 kişi tarafından oylandı ve 5.7 puan aldı. Bu film için editör puanı 57 olarak belirlendi. İyi Seyirler!
XviD | 827 MiB 720P | 1.11 GiB 1080P | 1.92 GiB Full HD | 11.2 GiB BluRay Disc [Remux] | 25.6 GiB