In the film, an Israeli commando, in other words, a qualified Mossad agent portrayed by Zohan (Adam Sandler), brings to life a caricatured hero with his accent and interesting hair style. An Israeli soldier where bullets fly in the air, trained in commando skills, competent in using all kinds of weapons, and skillful enough to jump from high places. Our hero, who rushes from one operation to another, eventually realizes that his true desire is to cut hair and pretends to be dead, finding himself in New York. He doesn’t have trouble finding clients as a hair stylist, but problems also do not leave him alone.
Zohan’a Bulaşma İndir. (2008) You Don’t Mess with the Zohan Filmi Imdb (tt0960144) kullanıcıları tarafından toplamda 217,943 kişi tarafından oylandı ve 5.6 puan aldı. Bu film için editör puanı 56 olarak belirlendi. İyi Seyirler!